Developer Bond

Replace Letters of Credit with Surety Bonds

Developer Bond is security instrument that enables developers to replace Letter of Credit commitments with a Surety Bond. This is an excellent mechanism for established developers to free up capital that have significant value tied up in LOCs provided to municipalities for site servicing guarantees. When replacing Letters of Credit with these Developer / Subdivision Bonds, you can utilize otherwise idle capital for further development pursuits.

What is a Developer Bond / Subdivision Bond?

A Developer Bond, sometimes called a Subdivision Bond, is an alternative form of security that can be utilized by developers to replace development financial obligations to municipalities. This type of Surety Bond replaces the traditional security, typically in the form of a Letter of Credit (LOC), to ensure site servicing & public utilities are developed in accordance with the specified municipalities requirements.

Bond wordings can be provided in a standardized format or can be customized to fit the needs of the municipality requesting the security.

Why do I need a Developer Bond?

Developer Bonds are utilized and needed when a municipality requests a Letter of Credit or other security for guaranteeing site servicing and public utlities work when a development is being constructed. The bond will guarantee all obligations that are secured by a letter of credit, which typically consists of:

Ultimately, the guarantee provided by a Developer Bond is equivalent to an LOC and favorable for both the developer as well as the municipality requiring the security. We’ll outline the benefits below…

What are the Benefits of Utilizing Developer Bonds?

The benefits of the utilization of Developer Bonds are as follows:

For Developers
For Municipalities

What Regions are Accepting Developer / Subdivision Bonds?

The jurisdictions Developer Bonds are available for use in are constantly evolving; however, here’s a list updated in Nov. 2022:

United States

Start with us to see if the municipality where your development is occuring can accept Developer Bonds.

How much does a Developer Bond Cost?

The cost of providing a Developer bond will depend on various aspects of a specific development business as well as the project in question. In general it is important to allocate 1% to 2% of the guaranteed amount that would typically be required when using an LOC. Some of the Underwriting information that will affect cost includes:

Reliable Canadian Underwriters

Capability for US Guarantees as well

Unique Underwriting Solutions

Best Price Nation Wide

Online Bond Application

E-Bonds When Possible

Request a bonding consultation:
Contract Bonds
Bid Bond
Performance Bond
L&M Payment Bond
Maintenance Bond
Consent of Surety
Construction Bonds
Commercial Bonds
Administration Bond
Customs & Excise Bond
Developer Bond
Non-Resident GST Bond
Reclamation Bond
RPP Bond
Surety Bond for Cannabis
License & Permit Bonds
Electrical Bond
Gas Bond
General Surety Bond, AB
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